Sunday, June 24, 2007

Wedding Photographers

A few weeks ago while on the Scooter Club road trip to Jamberoo I was being pressed by various club members on the latest wedding developments. I didn't have much to share - it was mostly a list of all the things not yet resolved.

The top of most wedding planners lists is a photographer - and of course it is also one of THE most expensive items you will pay for.

For me a wedding photographer presented a bit of a thoughtful challenge. You see I know a number of photographers - some rather talented ones - all who are friends and all who would do the photographer if I asked them. But I hadn't asked. I was torn between placing that kind of responsibility on a friend (and therefore they wouldn't actually enjoy the wedding as they would be working) or to just hire some stranger and perhaps run the risk of not being comfortable with the person.

I explained these problems to the scooter crew and just as I finished Steve, one of the older long running members also getting married soon said "You know my wife does wedding photography - you should email her."

My eyes sparkled. I knew his wife, Heidi, she was lovely and I imagined a very good photographer. She was comfortable to be around but also someone who took charge. I liked the idea very much and after the weekend away I emailed Heidi - we are meeting this evenning to look over her portfolio. Heidi works for Click Photograhy.

I'll let you know how it goes...but here is a picture of Heidi and Steve (And Maxine the dog..the only dog I know who has a Luis Viton lead and collar) which I found on their website...

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