Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Ben and I have secretly been scheming....

Ben and I have been secretly discussing something we want to do the weekend BEFORE the wedding.

The logic behind the decision is 3 fold.

1. Its Ben's birthday the same week (3 days before the wedding)
2. There will be so much wedding stuff going on that it will be good to do something crazy and fun to clear our heads.
3. A bit of fear always tends to bring people together *evil gin* - some bonding for the bridal party and their partners.

So our idea is to go SKY DIVING the weekend before the wedding.

Some of the bridal party know of this idea...some are already getting increasinly nervous (the boys...heehee) and others are "YEAH BRING IT ON" - the girls, lol! The lovely Martina is already a experienced sky diver so we already have the upper hand :D

The company we will probably go with are these guys. There is a video on their home page too which is a great watch...here


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